Extra information
This long web page contains information about:
- To confirm booking please pay 30%.
- Please pay the other 70% two weeks before arrival.
Bank account
BES: (Banco Novo) t.n.v. R. Hilbers
IBAN: PT50 0007 0254 0009 7901 0184 4
or in the Netherlands: NL67 ABNA to R. Hilbers
Home rules
- Be careful around the house , no playing in the ruines !
- No smoking in the house.
- No BBQ on the terraces with tiles (oil stains) ,only on lower terrace with gravel.
- No bleach or kerosene etc. in the drain (we have a bacteriological septic tank).
- If you go to the beach, please only take the dark coulered towels out of cabinet in the bathroom on the ground floor.
Water comes from own borehole (150 meters deep) equipped with a pump, next to the caravan. This water is very ‘hard’ so we have a de-calcifier in the basement with a 3000 litres storage tank and little pump.
Water for the garden (the hoses) is directly from the borehole. We have checked the water in a laboratory in Tavira, its Ok for consumption, see guest book.
You can also buy water in bottles from the supermarket.
Warm water:
There are 3 boilers.
Number 1 (50 liters) for first floor bathroom and utility room.
Number 2 (50 liters, under the stairs ) for ground floor bathroom.
Number 3 (5 liter ) under kitchen sink.
Elke boiler heeft een eigen elektrische schakelaar in de groepenkast in de bijkeuken,
Each boiler has its own electric switch in the cabinet in the utility room, please turn boiler off when not needed. On each off the boilers itself there is a thermostat, do not put it too hot! (Burning risk).
Sewer system:
All drains go to the septic tank under the big cover on the lower terrace. The water overflow goes to a big hole with rocks, also under this terrace (pipe sticks out).
Collect all garbage in plastic bags and deposit in the green containers you find at the roadside everywhere. You also can find separate containers for glass, paper etc.
The electricity meter (from EDP) is behind the left white door in the wall outside, at the foot off the last concrete pole on the south side of the house. You could write down the amount of kWh. when you arrive and when you leave. Behind the right white door is the meter from the production off the solar cells behind the ruin. The real main switch (from EDP ) is behind the little green doors at te other side off the above mentioned wall.
In the the utility room you find the main electric cabinet with all the switches for the house . There are 3 main groups ( A,B and C ), each with a differential switch. The main (3-fase)electric cable goes from the utility room trough the basement ( there is another electric cabinet ) to one more electric cabinet in the little house next to the covered parking spot. In this cabinet there is also the control for the borehole pump .In there is also a timer, if pump runs more then 30 minutes, this switch will turn pump off (this is to avoid pump running dry). If this happens (green light is permanently on) the hand switch must be operated off-on to reset timer and so start pump again.
Swimming pool
- FIRST take a shower (there is warm water from the sun boiler), then you can take a swim.
- Dirty feet and suntan oil in particular are disastrous for the quality of the water.
- Do not dive, the pool is only 1 meter deep
- Be careful with sharp objects
- No animals in the pool.
- The pump switches on automatically (at night) and filters the water through the sand filter in the pump house
- Normally the water then runs to the pump and filter via the skimmer (under the aluminum lid) and thus takes all floating things to the filter
- There should be a chlorine tablet in the basket of the skimmer, if this tablet is completely dissolved, you can place a new one in the basket.
- The water level is automatically controlled via the float next to the skimmer
Our “Pool-boy” comes on Saturday to vacuum the pool and check the water quality. For emergencies you can call Goncalo, his phone number is 00 351 918513030
Watering the plants
It would be nice if you could water the plants in the pots on the terrace near the kitchen and the palm tree in the pot on the lower terrace about twice a week. Do not use the water from the 2 taps from the house for this, because that is softened water.
You may also turn on the irrigation system if necessary (if temperatures are very high, please do this every other day).
Do this preferably in the evening. To do this, open the blue taps in the black pipe to the left and right of the stairs to the lower terrace. Only open one tap at a time, and no longer than about 15 minutes at a time, Please wait a minute in between usage of the 2 taps, otherwise the pump will stop and must be reset. (To reset the pump, turn the main switch in the shed off and on again). There is also an irrigation hose in front of the ruin, which is turned on with the garden tap. Again use this for only 15 minutes at a time.
Watering with a hose is always possible!
Thank you on behalf of the plants and saplings.
Wilma Hilbers
Questions? Please de not hesitate to contact Wilma Hilbers.
Mobile: 00 31 6 25 30 27 17